Our Mission

Arcadia Animal Rescue is a 501(c)(3) tax-exempt charitable organization dedicated to alleviating the suffering of abused and abandoned animals. At Arcadia, animals are valued and the human-animal bond is celebrated. 

Our vision is a modern-day “Arcadia” or Utopia for all animals. While we know this is an ambitious goal, it is one we will tirelessly strive for. No animal should be euthanized to save space, because it is unwanted, or because of the inconvenience of care. 

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How can you support us.

Our entire mission and work is solely based on support from individuals volunteering, donating, adopting or fostering. 100% of donations and help go towards our mission to save our furry friends.

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We have a dog heaven rescue & you're invited


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Please Note: due to high volume of requests and being run solely by volunteers we are experiencing delays in our response time.

Arcadia Animal Rescue *IS NOT* a government funded shelter, we are a 501c3 Registered Nonprofit supported and run solely by Volunteers and donors 💙 Note: Arcadia is a foster-based animal rescue, we operate nationally & internationally without a facility location yet! To help or volunteer for our facility plans & projects please contact our team or donate directly via our donation page 💙
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